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Elena Duvernay, créatrice des Oracles de l'ennéagramme

Who is Elena ?

Elena is the creator of The Enneagram Oracles and the Enneagram Oracles Boutique.

Do you have one or more questions in mind that you haven't found an answer to in the store? So feel free to contact Elena, she will be happy to provide you with information.

Ask your questions here

The Beginnings

A tidy life. But unsatisfying.

The beginning of Elena's journey was traditional as she first studied dentistry, obtained her PhD by winning an award and practiced as a dentist for several years. Then she trained in somatanalysis, an analytical approach therapy which addresses the human being in its triple dimension: psychological, bodily and social, and also obtained a Bachelor's degree in social work, her dissertation having come 2nd in a price. 

But she was not satisfied.

For many years, Elena has been seeking to know herself better, to understand human beings in general and to understand a little more about the meaning of life on earth. Her life story also led her to become interested in the mysteries of the afterlife, seeking answers to her infinite questions..

The Quest for Answers

A hunger to learn. A quest for truth.

Pour assouvir sa soif de compréhension et de vérité, Elena a lu énormément de livres de psychologie, de développement personnel et de spiritualité. Parmi les lectures qui l'ont le plus marquées, on retrouve "Conversation avec Dieu" de ND Walsh et tous les livres de Osho.

A hunger to learn. A quest for truth.

Pour assouvir sa soif de compréhension et de vérité, Elena a lu énormément de livres de psychologie, de développement personnel et de spiritualité. Parmi les lectures qui l'ont le plus marquées, on retrouve "Conversation avec Dieu" de ND Walsh et tous les livres de Osho.

La Méditation Vipassana

La méditation Vipassana. Une étape.

Lors de sa quête spirituelle, Elena découvre le bouddhisme et se passionne pour cette philosophie. 

Elle décide alors de suivre plusieurs stages de développement personnel et de guérison, entre autre chez Tich Nhat Han et avec Martin Brofman. 

Puis elle s'initie à la méditation Vipassana en faisant d'abord une retraite de trois jours, puis en réalisant la retraite entière de 10 jours. Ce fût une véritable découverte concrète de la philosophie bouddhiste. Elle pratique la méditation Vipassana pendant quelques temps, mais se rend compte qu'il lui manque quelque chose.

Elena Duvernay - Vipassana meditation

The Ashtanga Yoga

The Ashtanga Yoga. A meditation.

Back from her first journey to Compostela, Elena developed lumbago. Although there was improvement, the back pain persisted for several years. It was then that Elena decided to find an activity combining the body and her call for spirituality in order to definitively heal her back.

This is how she fell in love with the practice of Ashtanga Yoga. For more than 15 years now, Elena has been practicing regularly and her back pain is nothing more than a bad memory. His body is more flexible and more toned. And above all, Elena has developed awareness and body control. Elena considers Yoga to be a meditation that calms her mind and psyche and reconnects her to the body and the present moment.

At the same time, Elena was interested in everything related to esotericism, such as astrology, numerology or even energies and healing.


Pilgrimages. A call.

On several occasions, Elena was called on the roads as a pilgrim. She thus went to Lourdes and made the Camino de Santiago twice.

Her interest in Buddhism also led him to travel to Asia. She has traveled to India, Kathmandu, Nepal and most recently visited most of the holy sites in Southeast Asia. 

Her calls have taken her to the temples of Angkor in Cambodia, to the temples of Sukhothai, Ayutthaya and Kamphaeng Phet in Thailand and to historic temples in Vietnam and Laos.

Why The Enneagram?

Diagramme de l'ennéagramme

The Enneagram. Finally some answers.

In her quest for understanding and truth, Elena discovered the Enneagram over 20 years ago. Passionate, she trained in the Enneagram in a self-taught way through readings and observation of herself and those around her.. 

She can now understand human beings in all their complexity..

This millennial personal development tool allows us to consider the meaning of life from the perspective of evolution. Hope therefore exists in all circumstances.


The Enneagram. Finally some answers.

In her quest for understanding and truth, Elena discovered the Enneagram over 20 years ago. Passionate, she trained in the Enneagram in a self-taught way through readings and observation of herself and those around her.. 

She can now understand human beings in all their complexity..

This millennial personal development tool allows us to consider the meaning of life from the perspective of evolution. Hope therefore exists in all circumstances.


Why The Enneagram Oracles?

The Oracles. Guides.

As far as the Oracle is concerned, the divinatory cards supported Elena in the darkest hours of her life. The idea of creating the Enneagram Oracle came to her in a period of turmoil and collapse, as support from the Universe to give her a boost of life. 

Why did Elena want to create these Oracles? Elena likes everything that is precise and complex, while being easy to understand and intuitive. Frustrated by the complexity of tarot and its symbolic language, as well as the lack of depth of the majority of Oracles available, she created the Oracles she dreamed of.

The Enneagram Oracles aim to support people who are called to them on the path of their personal evolution. They allow unconscious sides to be revealed and thus to grow in consciousness with each lecture.

The messages transmitted through these tools connected to your spiritual guides are subtle, accurate and precise while being powerful and without concessions.

Elena thanks you for your interest in the Enneagram Oracle and hopes that it will be a precious and benevolent tool on the path of your life journey.

L'Oracle de l'ennéagramme général
Cartes de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme

💫 L'Oracle de l'ennéagramme général


L'Oracle de référence pour toutes les questions personnelles et générales.

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


Cartes de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme sentimental

❤️ L'Oracle de l'ennéagramme sentimental


L'Oracle de référence pour toutes les questions sentimentales et amoureuses.

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


Cartes de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme professionnel

💰L'Oracle de l'ennéagramme professionnel


L'Oracle de référence pour toutes les questions professionnelles et financières.

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


Cartes de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme mystique

🙏 L'Oracle de l'ennéagramme mystique


The reference Oracle for all spiritual and mystical questions. 

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


Get started with the Enneagram

Thanks to the Enneagram Oracles, learn the basics of the Enneagram easily and quickly, in a fun and entertaining way.

Do effective introspection

Grâce aux Oracles de l'ennéagramme, plongez dans les méandres de votre inconscient qui vous bloque et vous pousse dans la mauvaise direction.

Understand your blockages

Grâce aux Oracles de l'ennéagramme, dévoilez précisément vos blocages inconscients pour enfin entamer un processus de guérison.

Put precise words on your situation

Thanks to the Enneagram Oracles, finally have a clear and precise overview of your situation even if it is complicated.

Act knowingly

Grâce aux Oracles de l'ennéagramme, agissez enfin de manière efficace pour retrouver tout votre pouvoir sur votre vie.  

The Enneagram Oracle Cards

💫 The General Enneagram Oracle


The reference Oracle for all personal and general questions

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


The Love Enneagram Oracle Cards

❤️ The Love Enneagram Oracle


The reference Oracle for all love and romantic questions

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


The Wealth Enneagram Oracle Cards

💰 The Wealth Enneagram Oracle


The reference Oracle for all professional and financial questions.

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)


The Mystical Enneagram Oracle Cards

🙏 The Mystical Enneagram Oracle


The reference Oracle for all spiritual and mystical questions.

Available in French and in English

from CHF 68,00 (~69€)

Available soon

Get started with the Enneagram

Thanks to the Enneagram Oracles, learn the basics of the Enneagram easily and quickly, in a fun and entertaining way.

Do effective introspection

Grâce aux Oracles de l'ennéagramme, plongez dans les méandres de votre inconscient qui vous bloque et vous pousse dans la mauvaise direction.

Understand your blockages

Grâce aux Oracles de l'ennéagramme, dévoilez précisément vos blocages inconscients pour enfin entamer un processus de guérison.

Put precise words on your situation

Thanks to the Enneagram Oracles, finally have a clear and precise overview of your situation even if it is complicated.

Act knowingly

Grâce aux Oracles de l'ennéagramme, agissez enfin de manière efficace pour retrouver tout votre pouvoir sur votre vie.  

The Spiritual Guidances

The Spiritual Guidances. A vocation.

Elena offres spiritual guidances.

This is an opportunity to delve deeper into your situation and explore finely and subtly the messages that are intended through the Enneagram Oracle cards. The goal is to uncover and reveal unconscious aspects of your situation to you in order to have a better understanding of current issues.

This is an opportunity to grow in awareness in order to make informed decisions.

Elena has great respect for each person's life journey as well as for the messages transmitted through the Enneagram Oracle cards. She will share with you with humility and kindness her experienced and subtle interpretation of the messages from your guides.

Learn more

Guidance spirituelle avec Elena | 1 question, réponse simple
1 Question

Ask your question, Elena will send you the simple answer via video.

CHF 10,00 (~10€)


Guidance spirituelle avec Elena | 1 question, réponse approfondie
1 Question

Ask your question, Elena will send you the in-deep answer via video.

CHF 20,00 (~20€)


Guidance spirituelle complète avec Elena
COMPLETE Spiritual Guidance

Ask your question, Elena will send you all the answers via video.

CHF 108,00 (~110€)


Guidance spirituelle sur Whattsapp avec Elena
Guidance spirituelle sur WHATSAPP

Ask all your questions to Elena directly on Whatsapp

dès CHF 60,00 (~61€)

Order 1h

Order 30 min

Guidance spirituelle personnelle avec Elena
PERSONAL Spiritual Guidance

Ask your questions concerning your personal and general life, Elena will send you the answers on video.

dès CHF 50,00 (~51€)


Guidance spirituelle sentimentale avec Elena
LOVE Spiritual Guidance

Ask your questions concerning your love and relationship life, Elena will send you the answers on video

dès CHF 50,00 (~51€)


Guidance spirituelle travail et finances avec Elena
JOB/MONEY Spiritual Guidance

Ask your questions concerning your job and money related life, Elena will send you the answers on video

dès CHF 50,00 (~51€)


Guidance spirituelle mystique avec Elena
MYSTICAL PATH Spiritual Guidance

Ask your questions concerning your spiritual and mystical life, Elena will send you the answers on video.

dès CHF 50,00 (~51€)

Available soon

❤️ Coup de cœur fréquent.

Les Oracles de l'ennéagramme déclenchent régulièrement des coups de cœur.

©️ Produits Exclusifs

Les Oracles de l'ennéagramme sont auto-édités et vendus uniquement ici sur cette boutique, et nul part ailleurs en version neuve.

♻️ Imprimés en Italie ou aux États-Unis

L'impression des Oracles est d'excellente qualité, au format Tarot. L'imprimeur italien est 100% écologique.

🌍 Livraison GRATUITE dans le monde entier.

Les Oracles peuvent être livrés GRATUITEMENT dans le monde entier, sauf exception.

🔒 Paiement facile et sécure

Les paiements sur la boutique de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme sont totalement sécurisés grâce à Stripe ou au virement bancaire.

✉ Une question ?

Sentez-vous libre decontacter Elenapour toute question, elle se fera un plaisir de vous renseigner .

❤️ You'll fall for them.

The self-published Enneagram Oracles regularly trigger people to fall in love with them.

©️ Exclusive Products

The Enneagram Oracles are self-published and sold only here on this boutique, and nowhere else in new version. 

♻️ Printed in Italy or the United States

The printing of the Oracles is of excellent quality, in Tarot format. The Italian printer is 100% eco-friendly.

🌍 FREE worldwide shipping.

Oracles can be delivered FREE worldwide, with some exceptions.

🔒 Easy and secure payment

Payments on the Enneagram Oracle boutique are completely secure thanks to Stripe or bank transfer. 

✉ A question?

Feel free tocontact Elenafor any question, she will be happy to inform you.

e-book introduction à l'ennéagramme

🎁Recevez un e-book GRATUIT !

Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter pour la première fois et recevez un e-book GRATUIT de 45 pages d'introduction à l'ennéagramme écrit entièrement par Elena et illustré avec les cartes de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme général. C'est le cadeau de bienvenue d'Elena 💝

Elena respecte les personnes qui s'inscrivent à sa newsletter. En vous inscrivant à la newsletter, vous acceptez de recevoir des e-mails d'information de la part de la boutique de l'Oracle de l'ennéagramme. Vous ne serez jamais spammé, votre adresse ne sera jamais transmise à des tiers et vous pourrez vous désabonner à tout moment. Merci pour votre confiance. 🙏

E-book Introduction to the Enneagram

🎁Get a FREE e-book!

Subscribe to the newsletter for the first time and receive a FREE e-book (regular price CHF 8.00) of 45 pages of introduction to the enneagram written entirely by Elena and illustrated with the Oracle cards of the general enneagram. This is Elena's welcome gift 💝

Elena respects the people who subscribe to her newsletter. By subscribing to the newsletter, you agree to receive informational emails from the Enneagram Oracle store. You will never be spammed, your address will never be passed on to third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for your trust. 🙏

Elena Duvernay, créatrice des Oracles de l'ennéagramme

Elena Duvernaycréatrice des Oracles de l'ennéagramme

Après un Doctorat en médecine dentaire, un Certificat en somatanalyse et un Bachelor en travail social, Elena laisse libre cours à sa quête de compréhension et de vérité en se consacrant à la pratique régulière du Yoga Ashtanga et à la lecture de nombreux ouvrages de psychologie, de développement personnel, d'ésotérisme et de spiritualité. C'est ainsi qu'elle découvre l'ennéagramme qui répond enfin à l'essentiel de ses questions existentielles et relationnelles. Ayant développé depuis plus de 20 ans son expertise en ennéagramme, elle se sent inspirée à créer des Oracles basés sur ce savoir millénaires afin d'aider l'Humanité dans son chemin d'éveil de conscience. C'est ainsi que sont nés les Oracles de l'ennéagramme qui permettent à Elena d'offrir desguidances spirituellesprofondes et précises.

Elena Duvernay, créatrice des Oracles de l'ennéagramme

Elena Duvernaycreator of the Enneagram Oracles

After a Doctorate in dentistry, a Certificate in somatanalysis and a Bachelor in social work, Elena gives free rein to her quest for understanding and truth by devoting herself to the regular practice of Ashtanga Yoga and the reading of numerous psychological works, personal development, esotericism and spirituality. This is how she discovered the enneagram which finally answered most of her existential and relational questions. Having developed her expertise in the Enneagram for over 20 years, she feels inspired to create Oracles based on this age-old knowledge in order to help Humanity on its path to awakening consciousness. This is how the Enneagram Oracles were born which allow Elena to offer deep and accuratespiritual guidances.

⭐⭐⭐ Écoute ton âme ⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐ Listen to your soul ⭐⭐⭐